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Sound Engineer – Jordan Shepherd


My role in Red Cherry productions will be Sound Engineer. This role will include collecting all sound related to our companies Documentary making. Whether this is live sound from location filming or interviews, Foley, sound FX and sourcing Music. I will use a wide variety of equipment for this task. By using a mixture of these elements I aim to provide our documentaries with clear and crisp audio as well as being technical and comprehensive.



Shure SM58


Gun Mics


Rode Mics




Audio interface


Marantz 660


Marantz 661






Adobe Audition


Pro Logic



As a company we are drawn towards using Adobe’s software. Adobe’s software allows us to work across different platforms including photo editing, video editing and Sound editing. All these platforms integrate well with each other with Adobe’s Bridge package. This will allow me a separate and more extensive platform to edit our documentaries sound scape that can then be easily put back with the video when I’m finished.


Audition provides plenty of built in FX including, several EQ’s, several adjustable reverbs and noise reduction FX to name a few. Using these FX can clean up and sharpen audio tracks making them stand out or blend in where desired.  


Jordan Shepherd

A short video tutorial on what my role will invlove.

© (21/10/13) (Red Cherry Productions).  All Rights Reserved

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