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Documentary Ideas and research – Jordan Shepherd



Traffic incidents


This idea is based on roads in the UK and finding some of the most dangerous and why. By speaking to individuals from past incidents and finding out their story, I would hope that viewers would be educated in some of the causes of these incidents. Along side this we would look into current incidents that happen along the filmmaking process.






Police weaponry


In the UK Firearms are illegal to carry and even carry and own without specific permits and licenses. Yet police forces are becoming more and more heavily armed. The plan would be to investigate further into these weapons and the people Qualified to use them. We will look at when, where, why and how the weapons were used. The style will be similar to the Expository mode of documentary filmmaking but will also include Participation and interaction.









This idea will research into the lives of people who follow the latest craze, whether a pop sensation, technology or an out there hobby. Some ideas such as planking, Watch phones and twerking have come to mind. The people behind the fads will give another element to focus upon. Who are these people and why to they have a need to fill their lives with such crazy things.   





Experimental Doc - Andy Warhol Style



This documentry idea will be Similar to some of the early documentaries that Andy made. His films focused on a single act or object over several hours. It would fit into the Observational mode of Documentary film making. Some of Andy's films include Empire and Sleep. My Idea would to be set up a camera on a bridge over the M3 motorway and film from morning until night. This is Andy's film, Sleep (1963)


Eating Competitions


This documentary was to focus on the lives of people who take part in eating competitions and the competitions themselves. We would search out some of the world best eaters and what they eat. We would look at any health risks the participants face when taking part in these events. The idea comes from the show Man Vs. Food and would be a similar style being like hearted and comical in places. This idea was Co thought by Harry Webb.

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