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Tumblr is a social networking site/app that allows its users to continually blog and share multimedia with other people who whish to do likewise. People can follow other bloggers and keep up to date with each other’s latest facts and ideas. This form of networking has been around since its launch in 2007 and today has over 139.4 million blogs.


This service would Allow Red Cherry Productions a way of continually updating a feed to many people around the globe. Many of Tumblr’s users focus their attention on Tumblr rather than better-known networking sites such as Facebook so this is a way of widening our publicity.



Facebook has been a social networking site since its creation in 2004. Its founder Mark Zuckerberg created the website for his university friends to socialise with each other online by sharing statuses and pictures. It has over 1.19 billion active users worldwide. It has become a place of not only communication for the masses but also of promotion and publication. People saw the opportunity to add pages were people are able to share companies, bands and organisations and gain free publicity.


This is the reason we use Facebook as a company. It helps us to reach out to the communities of people we desire to use for documentaries as well as letting us inform other people around the world of what we are up to. This is helpful for our promotion.


Our target audience for our documentary also coincides with the largest category of Facebook users. The 18 - 25 group makes up over 25% of Facebook usage. This is great knowing that our Brony documentary reaches out through Facebook to its target audience.

You Tube


You Tube was created in 2005 and has been owned by Google since 2006. It is a website that allows people to share all forms of video with each other. It was originally built for user-based content. (i.e. home videos) Since Google owned you tube it has slowly become more advert based and used more as a sales tool.


For us You Tube has also become an advertising and sharing tool for any one who wants to see the work we are producing. We have added not only documentary content but also work from across the board including our drama and master class work.     

Crowd Funder


Crowd Funder is a website aimed at funding a variety of video projects including documentaries. The idea is that you share your idea by posting a video pitch to their website for people to view your idea and donate money to your filmmaking plans.


People who donate get prizes and promotional content that would not necessarily be available to the general public. Depending on the amount they donate they may also gain a producer title for the film. Unlike other funding websites the filmmaker will get any and all money donated even if they don’t reach a target.


We aim to use crowd funder to support our documentary in 2014. We shall ask for money to help fund our travel expenses, promotions and production costs. We have already made a pitch in that style although we have not yet got a definite budget and cost lists that we would need to inform people of. 

© (21/10/13) (Red Cherry Productions).  All Rights Reserved

Permission is hereby granted for the reproduction in whole or in part of the work set out on this website, provided that full acknowledgement is given, the copyright notice above and this notice are reproduced and that any partial reproduction gives a fair and accurate representation of the whole of the work and is stated to be a partial reproduction of the whole work.  

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